Torres Novas

Torres Novas

Torres Novas is a lovely town situated in the Central region of the country, crossed by the pleasant river Almonda and bordered by the wonderful Serras de Aire and Candeeiros Natural Park. 

All the surrounding nature is of great beauty. The landscape diverges among agricultural and pasture fields with a industrialization that is growing, due to the good accesses and communication means. Nevertheless, there are several small traditional villages in the environs. 

Torres Novas origins are quite remote and many archaeological vestiges affirm that it was already inhabited by men during Palaeolithic and Neolithic Periods. The foundation of Torres Novas settlement is actually attributed to the Celts in the year 308 b.C, and where nowadays is located the Castle, was probably erected before a Roman fortification. In fact, the region has an abundance of Roman vestiges, like in the superb “Villa Cardílio”. 
The town was re-conquered by the Christian in 1148, by the first Portuguese King D. Afonso Henriques, although there were later many other problems with the Arabs that disputed this strategic point. 
With such a rich history, Torres Novas and its surroundings present an interesting Heritage, like the Castle, the Churches of São Salvador (with origins in the 13th century yet much transformed after), of Carmo (16th century), of Santiago, of São Pedro (16th century) and of Misericórdia (16th century), as well as the Santo António Chapel and the lovely Nossa Senhora do Vale temple, which origins are quite ancient, in fact some say it has Visigoths origins. 

Torres Novas also presents charming green areas like the Liberdade Park as well as the Castle Gardens, the Roses Garden and the Maria Lamas Garden. 

There are also interesting museums, like the Municipal Museum of Carlos Reis (who was a local talented artist) dedicated to the region’s history, archaeology and sacred art, and also the Ethnographic Museum of the Torres Novas region, dedicated to ethnology and industrial archaeology. 

Every year in July, takes place the traditional Town Festivities, and in October takes place the Dried Fruits Fair, uniting many locals and visitors.